Pilot projects designed for local needs
Using a common methodology for implementing and assessing pilot projects can reduce the risk of failure and enable a thorough analysis of the results. For this reason, all 142 JACARDI pilot projects follow a common structure and timeline, with working methods based on the concepts of ‘grassroots innovation’ and implementation science. The framework is provided by Work Package 5 and offers a flexible structure that contains methodological support for the implementation of the pilot projects, including the monitoring and assessment of their health and economic outcomes.
The methodological framework considers equity and diversity in the work of pilot projects from design to implementation.
The framework is built around 4 interconnected activities:
Step 01
Context analysis
The goal of this exercise is to identify the challenges, needs, and priorities related to a specific topic in a given country. This analysis identifies gaps between the current and ideal states and serves as a basis for preparing the pilot project plans.
Step 02
Preparation of the pilot project plans
Pilot sites build their projects by selecting key elements of proven practices that are adapted to their local challenges and objectives. This results in evidence-based interventions tailored to the specific needs of pilot sites.
Step 03
Implementation of the pilot projects
During the implementation of their projects, pilot sites collect qualitative and quantitative data to monitor the implementation and assess health and economic outcomes.
Step 04
Analysis of results
The evaluation of pilots’ health and economic outcome embraces five aspects:
- clinical effectiveness
- patient experience
- economic efficiency
- distributional equity
- sustainability.
The assessments are combined, and the knowledge gained is used to create a plan for the future implementation of the most impactful practices in multiple countries.
Securing long-standing results
Translating the findings of pilot projects into practice is crucial to improving the lives of patients on a larger scale. JACARDI’s Work Package 4 is tasked with developing a strategy to sustain the results of the pilot projects in the long-term and promote their use in other countries. This is accomplished through a four-fold approach:
- Supporting the sustainability of results at the individual pilot project level
- Learning from the lessons of pilots projects
- Enhancing the competencies of JACARDI partners in efficient science-to-policy interactions and communications
- Collaborating with Joint Action PreventNCD to align and potentially achieve synergies in high-level policy sustainability.