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Why we need action

Initiatives to develop health-literate organizations and policies are crucial for boosting improvements in the health outcomes and well-being of diverse community members. By fostering health literacy development within health systems and across local and national policies, we can collectively facilitate improvements in how individuals and communities can equitably access, understand, appraise, remember, and use health information and services to create a healthier future for all.

Work Package 6 aims to:

WP6 contributes to the overarching goal to enable equitable access to health information, and services and reduce social inequalities, including among culturally and ethnically diverse populations.

Our mission

Work Package 6 aims to enhance health literacy and equity among the general population and patients by raising awareness about CVD and DM. The specific objectives are to map existing health literacy activities, design tailored tools for local contexts, implement pilots for health literacy improvement, and assess the outcomes to develop a roadmap for scaling up successful programs. Overall, the mission is to empower individuals, especially vulnerable populations, by promoting health literacy and preventing/controlling CVD and DM.

Our action plan

Work Package 6 conducts five main activities to achieve its objectives:


Mapping current health literacy activities:


Pilot preparation – situation analysis and local needs:


Pilot preparation – prioritization and customization


Pilot implementation:


Assessment and roadmap:

The overall aim is to empower vulnerable populations by promoting health literacy, with a focus on preventing and modifying various risk factors responsible for CVD and DM. It involves a comprehensive approach, from mapping existing initiatives to implementing and assessing tailored health literacy interventions.

Strategies for long-term success

The strategies for long-term success in Work Package 6 include: