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Why we need action

Our mission

Work Package 11 is dedicated to improving the workplace experience for people living with NCDs, especially those with CVD and DM. Our goal is to make workplaces more inclusive and supportive to help individuals thrive in their careers. We will achieve this by:

Our action plan


Mapping challenges and identifying best practices:

Laws, policies, and practices in EU countries related to NCDs in the workplace will be analyzed. Factors affecting job access, work ability, absenteeism, and other workplace determinants will be examined. Existing workplace initiatives promoting the inclusion of people with NCDs will be reviewed. These insights will contribute to better implementation of high-quality care pathways.


Designing pilot projects:

Plans for small-scale testing of solutions tailored to specific needs such as awareness campaigns, support programs, and workplace adjustments will be developed.


Implementing pilot projects:

 With pilot program plans in place, support for implementation in selected workplaces across Europe will be provided.


Evaluating and sharing:

Results will be assessed, feedback will be gathered, and actionable guidelines for businesses and organizations to make wider, lasting improvements in labor participation for those with NCDs will be developed.

Strategies for long-term success

Work Package 11 is committed to extending the impact beyond the pilot projects. Strategies for sustainable change include: