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Why we need action

Health promotion and disease prevention can reduce the prevalence of NCDs by up to 70%. Enhancing screening and early detection is one of the most effective actions we can take. We need coordinated action to ensure screenings providing accurate and practical information relevant to all countries and population groups.

Our mission

Our mission is to enhance the screening of high-risk populations for CVD and DM across Europe. We aim to achieve this by:

Our action plan

Over 4 years, 18 exploratory tests (pilots) in 11 countries will be realized to achieve 5 specific objectives:

  1. Analyze and Map EU existing screening procedures and tools.
  2. Develop standardized screening protocols.
  3. Enhance national capacities to implement screening programmes.
  4. Co-design and Realize Pilots according to different scenarios.
  5. Evaluate pilots and scale up.

Strategies for long-term success

The strategies for long-term success involve comprehensive planning, collaboration, and sustainability measures aimed at: